2023-24 Grant
You can review the grant questions here. All grants must be submitted electronically here.
This application has five parts and must be completed in one session.
A valid email address is required to begin the application.
Part 1 - Applicant Information
In this part, you will tell us about yourself and any co-applicants you are applying with. If you are applying with co-applicants please make sure you have their permission to apply for them. Only one application per applicant will be considered (this includes co-applicants).
Applicant Name (this is the person filling out the form, co-applicants will be listed in a separate question)
Applicant Position
Applicant Phone Number
If you are applying with other teacher(s), please list their name(s) and position(s) below (list one teacher per line).
Applicant School
Part 2 - Project Basics
In this part, you will provide basic information regarding the project you wish to have funded.
Project Name
The applicant project must support at least one of the DSEFAA focus areas. Please check all that apply.
Expanding opportunities in arts & humanities.
Enhancing achievement through Enrichment Activities (i.e. after school programs)
Linking technology to Academic Success
The next question asks how you plan on spending the funds. Clarity is important. Most grant reviewers are not educators. Please provide a clear picture of what you want to do, why the focus areas matter and how you will know the project impacts student learning. Explain how the grant supports, enhances, or links your curriculum beyond current method of instruction. Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate creativity and ingenuity. Share sustainability after the grant has ended. Make a case to convince the DSEFAA to fund your request.
In 100 words (or less), provide a general description of the program, including how you plan to spend the funds.
When do you estimate the project will begin?
When do you estimate the project will end?
Part 3 - Students Impacted
In this part, you will tell us about the students who will be impacted by the project. Questions denoted by ^ are for Foundation reporting purposes only and will not be used for grant review.
Estimated number of students impacted.
Grade levels impacted.
^Estimated Caucasian students impacted
^Estimated African American students impacted
^Estimated Hispanic student impacted
^Estimated Other Ethnicity students impacted
^Estimated Free/Reduced Lunch students impacted
^Estimated Special Education students impacted
^Estimated English as a Second Language students impacted
Part 4 - Budget
In this part you will detail your project's budget. Include specific line items. Each line item should include type of materials and/or equipment, sources of supply/vendors, and approximate costs. Please remember the total amount requested is limited to $250 per teacher/classroom.
Total amount of funds requested (limit $250 per teacher/classroom)
Project line items (materials, sources, & costs are required for each line item)
If the total project budget is greater than requested or allowed, please list other sources of funding, such as matching funds, in-kind donations, community resources, etc.
Could materials purchased/funding be reused for future classes?
Yes, the materials /funding can be reused for future classes.​
No, the materials/funding could only be used once.
Part 5 - Project Goals, Standards, & Evaluation
In this part you will list out measurable goals and activities that will document desired outcomes, include how they will be evaluated and corresponding documentation. This information will be used by the readers to determine a well thought out project which supports the goals of the school and/or district. Note: The goals should support the Kentucky Academic Standards and/or the Danville Diploma.
What standards will this project meet?
What are your primary goals of this project?
How will you know your project has been successful? How will you measure this success?
End of application.